Can My Fear Be Your Problem?

Everyone battles with fear. The particular fears you struggle with and the fears I struggle with may be completely different, but the battle is common to us all. When we don’t face them and overcome our chronic, long-term fears, it’s often those closest to us that pay the price.

If we’re not willing to do the hard work of dealing with them, sometimes we [perhaps subconsciously] push our loved ones to adjust their lives so that we can keep our fears. This can be quite subtle and even look a bit like love in the short term, but it often has big-time negative, long-term effects on relationships.

In this episode, my son Levi [10] and I talk about an experience he had recently in which he had to choose whether or not to face down a fear that was messing with him… or to remain stuck and ask his family members to pay the price. How it all worked out was very cool. He asked me a few weeks ago if he could share it on the podcast and I thought it was an awesome idea. What a legend. Pretty sure he’ll be back for future episodes.


Do I Need You Too Much, or Not Enough?


What The Heck Just Happened? Part 2