Is This Between Us and Them, or Between Me and You?

Relational issues can get very messy when there are three or more people involved. It’s hard enough for two people to understand each other in the midst of pain and frustration. When you get three or four people involved  the level of complexity can go through the roof. This often happens when two people are sharing a domain, like co-leading a team, co-parenting a family, or couples relating to other couples. 

In this episode, Cora and I discuss a challenging situation we faced in which we were experiencing very different things in a shared relationship and therefore had very different thoughts about how to handle the situation. We break down a 4-step process we find helpful for ‘calming the farm’ and navigating these kinds of challenges before they spin out of control.


What The Heck Just Happened? Part 1


Is Your Boundary My Breakthrough?